When examining why wildfires in California are so destructive, experts have ample explanations for why homes and properties are so often destroyed and consume thousands of structures throughout the state. Some contributing factors, like strong Santa Ana winds and a slow recovery from a long drought, are natural forces outside of human control. However, there are many ways property owners can help protect their property against the inevitable next wildfire. Many experts agree that “it’s just a matter of time” before fire will arrive. Especially for property owners who are living or developing property in the Wildland-Urban interface, it is essential to be aware of the level of fire risk you are exposed to. The Wildland-Urban interface is defined as the area where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland. The Wildland-Urban creates an environment in which fire can move readily between structural and vegetation fuels. Its expansion has increased the likelihood that wildfires will threaten structures and people. Taking into account ongoing climate change, warmer temperatures dry out vegetation, making them easier to burn, and scientists say vulnerable regions like California should expect a spike in wildfires in the coming decades as temperatures continue to rise. To learn more about how Fire Resistant Landscaping and a Fire Risk Assessment can help you prepare your property for inevitable wildfires, give us a call or schedule a fire risk assessment today!